Thursday, March 19, 2015

Back in August, I took some pictures of all the craft supplies I had sitting around the house. I have things tucked away in all sorts of places. I wanted to document the overabundance, in case I ever started to do something with it. I have supplies in cupboards and trunks, under my sewing table as well as on and next to it, and in boxes, baskets and bins all over the house.

The living room:

 My basement crafting area:

Yarn on the guys' electronics area

 I had supplies in areas that I never use, like the computer/video center that Chip and Jimmy set up for their entertainment needs.

Some of the supplies in this cabinet are starting to fossilize. There is also a trunk full of yarn and fabric in another part of the house. It is probably about time I emptied it and used it to store something else.

Next, I'll post some updates on the projects I have done over the last few months. I have been busy!