Friday, February 5, 2016

Another cardboard stool

The kids at the Club still vie against each other for opportunities to use the stool that I made from corrugated cardboard. I needed to clear several boxes out of my attic anyway, so I took the opportunity to start on another stool.

This picture shows my progress from a few days ago. Today, I cut several more panels and carved the central square out of all of them. I hope to cover this one with canvas or some other material, now that everyone has seen what they are made from. The current one, while still really sturdy, is showing some wear, and I would like to protect its surfaces so it will last longer.

I did one other thing yesterday, although I forgot to take a "before" picture. My friends Fred and Pat Trusell gave me their loom, and I went to their apartment to pick it up.

Here it is, all in pieces in the back of my car. It will have to live in my attic until Anna goes off to college next fall. I have permission to use her bedroom as a weaving studio once she is at school. Fred tells me he will come to help me put the loom back together when the time comes. Fred made the loom himself, and the Trusells used it for decades, so it is a great honor to be the one to receive it.

Maybe I'll never need these skills that I am learning. Somehow, though, I feel so much happier knowing how to make some things myself, instead of having to go buy them from complete strangers who live on the far side of the world.

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