Monday, February 1, 2016

Spotted Lantern Fish

I have been trying to do a little crafting every day. I have been posting on Facebook, since the effort was spurred by my cousin Kelli, who had a crafting initiative called "Hibernate and Create" on Facebook for the month of January. Now that January is over, I am going to try to post a little bit about what I did each day here on my blog instead. Kelli's project got me moving a little faster, but it also made it clear to me just how much making I was doing already. Thanks, Kelli!

For the last several days, I have been working on a spotted lantern fish made from found materials. I found a picture that I liked in my marine life book, and I drew a copy onto a scrap of wood. My other materials are Sharpie, yogurt containers, glue and paint.

I made templates for the head armor using some old typing paper I found lying around.

Here's what it looks like right now. I can't decide whether I like this project as an object, but I am certainly enjoying the process of making it. I think I will find a button to glue on for the fish's pupil, and I need to add a few more beads where the fish would have lantern cells. I also need to finish up the fins. Maybe I can complete my fish tomorrow! Then I just have to decide what to do with it.

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