Wednesday, March 2, 2016


Last week, I took my first wheel-throwing class at Assabet After Dark. We started with cylinders, which I found a little challenging. I kept wanting to make them taller than they were inclined to be. The clay would fight me, or I would end up a little off-center, or the cylinder would become a bowl as soon as I looked up. I probably leaned a little, pulling the sides off center as I went.

Somehow, cylinders don't feel finished to me, so it was a relief last night to find that we were to work on bowls instead. It was no surprise that we needed to make a cylinder to end up with a bowl, but it was really nice not to have to stop at a cylinder. I made four bowls, some of them very nice ones, if I may say so myself. I would like to have more pictures, but my hands got pretty messy, so here is what I have:

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