Saturday, March 12, 2016

The cardboard stool is complete!

I finally finished my second cardboard stool about a week ago. I forgot it in my car the day I brought it to work, so I sent one of the older kids out to the car to get it. My boss let him do it, then took my car keys from him. I spent the afternoon wondering how much trouble I was in, but the boss simply wanted to tell me a story: apparently, someone had given a youngster permission to get something from their truck several years ago. That young man "drove to Boston, where he played bumper cars with five other cars before he was caught." I'm really glad the youngster I chose was more responsible than that!

Here is my stool in its final permutation:

In the last picture, I was going for a shot of the large table, which needs either replacement or repair. I noticed the stool in the background, and thought I'd include it. The stool is the perfect size to fit a smaller youngster at the small table in this picture.

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